Greenwich Standard Time Zone Converter

Greenwich Standard Time (GST)


UTC+0 is a time offset that adds nothing to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


It is observed in the whole year with UTC


(England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland)
S.No Location
1 Ireland
2 Portugal (WET)
3 United Kingdom including Guernsey, Isle of Man and Jersey (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland)
4 Channel Islands (Crown Dependencies) Including (Alderney, Sark, Herm, Isle of Wight, Normandy and some small islands is name Brecqhou, Jethou, Lihou, Écréhous and Minquiers).
5 Faroe Islands (WET).
6 Portugal/ Madeira (WET)
7 Spain/Canary Islands (WET)

Other Time Zones With UTC+0/GMT+0
Time Zone Name
AZOST Azores Summer Time
EGST Eastern Greenland Summer Time
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
wet Western European Time