Colors can also be categorized based on their warmth and coolness. These qualities are referred to as a color's temperature. colors on the color wheel are associated with the sun, warmth, and fire. These colors evoke warm feelings in people, hence the name "warm colors." Yellow, red, orange and other shades of these colors are warm colors. Warm colors are said to invoke feelings of coziness and energy.

Red #ff0000 rgb(255, 0, 0) hsl(0, 100%, 50%)
Yellow #ffff00 rgb(255, 255, 0) hsl(60, 100%, 50%)
Blazing Orange #FF6600 rgb(255, 102, 0) hsl(24, 100%, 50%)
MediumVioletRed #C71585 rgb(199, 21, 133) hsl(322, 81%, 43%)
Vivid Red #f70d1a rgb(247, 13, 26) hsl(357, 94%, 51%)
Burning Tomato #eb5030 rgb(235, 80, 48) hsl(10, 82%, 55%)
Active Volcano #bb1133 rgb(187, 17, 51) hsl(348, 83%, 40%)
OrangeRed #FF4500 rgb(255, 69, 0) hsl(16, 100%, 50%)
Yellow Summer #f9b500 rgb(249, 181, 0) hsl(44, 100%, 49%)
Angry Flamingo #f04e45 rgb(240, 78, 69) hsl(3, 85%, 61%)
Neon Red #ff073a rgb(255, 7, 58) hsl(348, 100%, 51%)
Sunshine Yellow #fffd37 rgb(255, 253, 55) hsl(59, 100%, 61%)
Akai Red #bc012e rgb(188, 1, 46) hsl(346, 99%, 37%)
Untamed Red #dd0022 rgb(221, 0, 34) hsl(351, 100%, 43%)
Hot Orange #f4893d rgb(244, 137, 61) hsl(25, 89%, 60%)
Electric Yellow #fffc00 rgb(255, 252, 0) hsl(59, 100%, 50%)
Cadmium Yellow #fff600 rgb(255, 246, 0) hsl(58, 100%, 50%)
Heavy Orange #ee4328 rgb(238, 67, 40) hsl(8, 85%, 55%)
Vivid Violet #9f00ff rgb(159, 0, 255) hsl(277, 100%, 50%)
Rare Red #dd1133 rgb(221, 17, 51) hsl(350, 86%, 47%)
Deep Orange #dc4d01 rgb(220, 77, 1) hsl(21, 99%, 43%)
Tango Red #ac0e2e rgb(172, 14, 46) hsl(348, 85%, 36%)
Dusky Yellow #ffff05 rgb(255, 255, 5) hsl(60, 100%, 51%)
Orange Tiger #f96714 rgb(249, 103, 20) hsl(22, 95%, 53%)
Rust Red #aa2704 rgb(170, 39, 4) hsl(13, 95%, 34%)
Neon Yellow #cfff04 rgb(207, 255, 4) hsl(71, 100%, 51%)
Cherry Red #f7022a rgb(247, 2, 42) hsl(350, 98%, 49%)
Sunset Orange #fd5e53 rgb(253, 94, 83) hsl(4, 98%, 66%)
Reddish Pink #fe2c54 rgb(254, 44, 84) hsl(349, 99%, 58%)
International Orange #ba160c rgb(186, 22, 12) hsl(3, 88%, 39%)
Hot Lava #aa0033 rgb(170, 0, 51) hsl(342, 100%, 33%)
Yellow Orange #fcb001 rgb(252, 176, 1) hsl(42, 99%, 50%)
Brick Orange #c14a09 rgb(193, 74, 9) hsl(21, 91%, 40%)
Dynamite Red #dd3311 rgb(221, 51, 17) hsl(10, 86%, 47%)
Hot Sun #f9b82b rgb(249, 184, 43) hsl(41, 94%, 57%)
Electric Orange #ff3503 rgb(255, 53, 3) hsl(12, 100%, 51%)
Barbados Cherry #aa0a27 rgb(170, 10, 39) hsl(349, 89%, 35%)
Amber #ffbf00 rgb(255, 191, 0) hsl(45, 100%, 50%)
Red Alert #ff0f0f rgb(255, 15, 15) hsl(0, 100%, 53%)
Red Hot #dd0033 rgb(221, 0, 51) hsl(346, 100%, 43%)
Reddish Brown #7f2b0a rgb(127, 43, 10) hsl(17, 85%, 27%)
Beet Red #7a1f3d rgb(122, 31, 61) hsl(340, 59%, 30%)
Red Bell Pepper #dd3300 rgb(221, 51, 0) hsl(14, 100%, 43%)
Lipstick Red #c0022f rgb(192, 2, 47) hsl(346, 98%, 38%)
Red Riding Hood #fe2713 rgb(254, 39, 19) hsl(5, 99%, 54%)
Bright Red #ff000d rgb(255, 0, 13) hsl(357, 100%, 50%)
Hot Chilli #b7513a rgb(183, 81, 58) hsl(11, 52%, 47%)
Ashen Brown #994444 rgb(153, 68, 68) hsl(0, 38%, 43%)
Maraschino #ff2600 rgb(255, 38, 0) hsl(9, 100%, 50%)
Lifeguard #e50000 rgb(229, 0, 0) hsl(0, 100%, 45%)
Pinkish Orange #ff724c rgb(255, 114, 76) hsl(13, 100%, 65%)
Arabian Spice #884332 rgb(136, 67, 50) hsl(12, 46%, 36%)
Macharius Solar Orange #dd4400 rgb(221, 68, 0) hsl(18, 100%, 43%)
Magma #ff4e01 rgb(255, 78, 1) hsl(18, 100%, 50%)
Burning Orange #ff7124 rgb(255, 113, 36) hsl(21, 100%, 57%)
Warm Pink #fb5581 rgb(251, 85, 129) hsl(344, 95%, 66%)
Shade Of Violet #8601af rgb(134, 1, 175) hsl(286, 99%, 35%)
Hot Sauce #ab4f41 rgb(171, 79, 65) hsl(8, 45%, 46%)
Hot Embers #f55931 rgb(245, 89, 49) hsl(12, 91%, 58%)
Sun Yellow #ffdf22 rgb(255, 223, 34) hsl(51, 100%, 57%)